
I saw a fox the other day. Not from my window but while walking the dog/ They stared each other down until we got slowly closer then she finally took off. A lone elk wandered through the meadow yesterday then took off running. Not sure what she was afraid of, being lone maybe/The apt. complex groundkeepers mowed to far down yesterday, into the wetlands. Hope it doesn't upset the birds that live among the tall grasses. Thanks to a little rain the grasses are green, for now. The rest of Colorado is burning, I hope we stay safe this year. It's hard living in constant fear of fire striking but wow it has been so destructive. Trust in God, that is what I will do.


Snow finally

The flakes started falling yesterday in small diameter. Yet we ended up with over a foot of snow and maybe it will put an end to the fire that has been burning since Oct. The weekend will be nice making it possible for the girls to come up this weekend then after they leave it will snow again. Thank you God for this much needed and wanted moisture as we have needed it something fierce. The white covers the ground with just a little of the tall grasses showing up in the meadow beyond. I love this weather when we get a real dumping and I have no place to be. Tomorrow I must clear off the windows to the car as I am on call, (a victims advocate) and need it to be clear just in case I need to go out. That is a blessing that it snows when I have no reason to go out. The undisturbed snow lays so brilliant during the day and the moon shines on it at night making it all so clean and pure. I hope that this year we get another season when the meadow if full and the snow comes up to the top of the hill. I've only seen it once that way in the last 7 plus years so we are due for a good season of lots of snow. The drought we have been experiencing has been so bad that fires have burnt a great deal of 'real estate' this past summer and fall. Estes lost 21 homes and Ft. Collins over 100. Colo. Springs lost over 100 homes as well and the total number of acreages over the year was atrocious. Hamilton leaves his prints and the dragging of his leash over the distance he can travel while outside just making the purity of the unmarked snow that much more evident and beautiful. Thank you God for the wide range of scenery and views from my window. What a blessing you have given me. May I always appreciate it and may it always be so.


Still so green

We're into August, school has started for many, the deer and elk have velvet on their growing antlers, all signs of a fast approaching Fall. Yet as I stare out the window at the beauty of the blowing long flowing grasses I'm amazed at how green everything still is. Yes, there are some brown areas but the long grasses are such a deep green.

Twice in less than a week two beautiful buck deer have appeared outside my window. Last night at midnight the dogs growls scared me until I saw the antlers of the familiar bucks. Again, seeing deer here has been such a rarity. I have to admit, since they are my spirit signs from above I worried about my children, but heard from them today so all is OK there. Depression has returned to this weary soul and so I trust that the showing up of the deer is a sign that all is and will be OK.

I have thought so much about moving closer to my children as my days spent with them are full of joy and happiness, no depression, less chronic pain symptoms. But the beauty out my window, especially now and the signs from above tell me this is where I am happy. As long as I can still see the kids and spend time with them, they aren't that far away. I need this vision out my window for daily peace. The beauty is beyond belief and I'm just not ready to give that up.

Thank you Lord God for this beauty and for sending messengers of peace to remind me of how blessed I am, and always have been.


End of the Rainbow

Many people call Estes Park a piece of heaven, and I have seen proof of it. We have had what I consider the typical afternoon rains, at least of my childhood. The other day a rainbow ended at the church at the end of the meadow. It wasn't the first time I have seen a rainbow end in the meadow, and once on the other side of the lake. Gods blessings are abundant in my little world and I couldn't be happier here...unless my children were here or came to visit...


Independance Day, 2011

"From the mountains, to the prairies.." As I watched out of my window with the movie/musical 1776 playing in the background, I saw the beauty of the mountains and a wide expanse of long, green blowing grasses reminding me of what the prairies must look like and gave thanks to God for such a wonderful place I live in.

I can't help but cry at imagining how difficult those early years must have been. The decision to commit treason by a congress who were divided for various reasons, fear included, all the while the army led by George Washington was being beaten up by the British military leaves me in awe. Surely this IS a country blessed by the Lord Almighty.

Today we are allies of Britain, we are considered one of the leading countries in the world with the greatest military, called on by hundreds of other countries for help. And we reach out in times of not only war but famine and natural disasters. And we are but a 'toddler' of only 235 years old. Most other countries are many thousands of years old. It's truly a miracle that we are the country we are today and it breaks my heart that we are seemingly so close to be at the verge of another civil war. The dissent among the country and the overtaking by illegal immigrants are hurting us. Is it possible we can leave all that was done the last 235 years ago in the dust.

We must mean it when we sing, "God bless America", say, "One Nation under God", "In God we Trust". This is the strength of faith that our founding fathers had when they braved the decision to start a new country of freedom for all, comprised of individual states, joined for the good of the whole. Those who flock here NEED to appreciate the struggles and sacrifices that have been the backbone of this great nation and respect those who have fled here before. They must follow the path to citizenship, not try to change the laws to allow them the rights without the knowledge and traditions that gives them the privilege of being part of a country they know is better than what they came from. Or stay home, and do what our founding fathers did in their own countries.

It is beyond my comprehension how we managed to come so far in such a short time and how we came to be, at all. We need selfless, courageous men, and now women, who are willing to sacrifice and work like the original congressman were to preserve the freedoms and greatness this country is known for. God, please continue to bless our country and bless the USA! For "I'm proud to be an American...and I won't forget the men who(suffered) and died who gave this right to me.." starting with those men, (and their families) from just over 200 years ago.


A buck in velvet visits

My daughter called early this morning. I'd already let the dog out on the porch as he loves sitting out there watching the birds and ground 'squirrels' plus any other activity going on.

I had just hung up from the call when I glanced outside in time to see a buck wander into the yard. I glanced toward the dog who just lay there, but went out to let him in anyway. The buck just stood there a while, wandered away and by the time I got back to my room, had turned around and was headed back into my view. People leaving from the church across the way must have startled him as he trotted off the direction he had come.

It is common to see elk in our meadow, but not deer. And he was alone, most are in at least small groups. Every time a deer has been seen like this withing my family, it has proven to be a message of some sort from the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. From what my daughter was saying, it may have been His way of letting her know my mom, her Mimi, was and will be with her today and is excited she got her job.

Maybe it means something totally different, but it is a blessing as always.


Spring storms

Spring is officially here, April less than a week away. A week or more ago, we had such beautiful weather and a decent snow which was to be expected.

This last week has been interesting. I wake up to beautiful blue skies but walk out to cold, windy weather. For just a few moments most every day in the last week, snow blew across the window view laying down a light dusting on the meadow.

The winds drove more than a few major fires across the area immediately around Denver, and the dryness and low humidity makes many of us fearful of the fire season that has started much earlier than expected.

God, protect our community from the ravages of more fires this year. Those that surrounded the area last year were enough for a lifetime. Bless the firefighters who risk their life to protect the beauty of Your creation. And our homes.


Spring in the Rockies

We got a little more than a dusting of snow last night. But it was gone by early afternoon. More green is showing up in the meadow and the elk are loving it. One would think all they do is eat! I could have gone without my coat, AGAIN today, and I LOVE it.

I watered my plants with a special blooming food and can't wait to see the green sprouts pop up. Yes, this is my favorite time of the year by far.

A yearling elk was so cute as he jumped over the street and down the hill for the greenest part of the meadow. He's no dumbie! A few others are following him, but something is holding them back. Hmmm They obviously don't realize he has found the greenest patch of land. Better for him. Hahaha

Thank you Lord for the beautiful gift of nature you have blessed me with. I guess tonight we get to see the "Super moon", seen once every 18 years, plus or minus. This is the year it is closest to the earth, plus it is a full moon so it will be beautiful at night as well.

Ohhh my piece of heaven.


Snow lol

I should have known this would happen. When I was a motorcycle escort and head rider, I always warned the guys that following a beautiful day, (in the 70's) to plan on coming in early the next morning to put side cars on the bikes, because we were bound to get snow. This in Jan. - April. Sure enough...

I had to laugh this morning when I looked out my window and saw frost on the ground. Then I noticed the light flakes blowing around in the air. I doubt this will last or amount to much, but it's fun to watch all the same.


The screen changes the view

When taking the dog out today, I noticed something for the first time. The screen, (black) distorts an important part of my view.

70 degrees out today, and the ice I grabbed from the downspout and put in my planters has melted. And there is a little green stem coming up among the rocks. Looking around more closely I realized the grass on the hillside across the road was...yes..turning green. Among the yellow and brown grasses and the mud in the meadow, more green. How nice to sit outside and just enjoy that which makes me love spring more than any other season.

I know we will get more snow this season, heck last year one of the biggest storms came in May. The 'radio' stated May storms have been big the last two years. When the kids were in school, most, if not all their school days off for weather were in April. So.... but that's OK.

The more moisture the more green. And how perfect for the green to start showing for St.Patrick's day! I'd be willing to bet tomorrow I will see even more green. I may even open the windows. I can hear the birds with them closed, but that fresh breeze, the un -'muted' sounds and one less layer of glass to distort the view.

As spring arrives the thought of moving to Denver will probably be put on hold. I'm sure the depression and doubts and sadness will vanish as quickly as the brown grasses do.

Thank you Lord, for this wonderful blessing and view from my window!